Welcome to Aur Things Learning 2.0

We all know that there a lot of emerging technologies out there, but where to start and which ones are the most relevant to libraries and to Auraria in particular? This program was designed with these questions in mind. AurThings is set up to encourage exploration of the internet and web technologies in the hope that not only will employees have fun, but also find new tools to enable them to better support their goals and inspire creativity.

The AurThings Team modified the Learning 2.0 program designed by Helene Blowers, Technology Director, Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County that was loosely based upon Stephen Abram's article 43 Things I (or You) Might Want To Do This Year (Information Outlook - February 2006) and the Web site 43 Things. We also used ideas and content from Seven Minnesota multicounty multitype library system's 23 Things On a Stick Library Learning 2.0 Program and other Library Learning 2.0 programs. The AurThings Team chose the particular technologies presented in this program because they are already being used at Auraria, seem as though they could be useful in our work at Auraria or, are just plain fun.

How it Works
The program is a self-led learning program that has been formatted into a ten week course which will begin July 20, 2009. Round 2 is beginning July 15, 2010. Didn't finish in Round 1? You can re-register your blog and finish in Round 2. Each person participating must have and register his/her own blog. During this time participants will explore at their own pace and can choose how in depth they go into each activity. Each week participants will be introduced to new Web tools and asked to track participation in a personal blog which they will set up and begin maintaining in week 1. Each person who wishes to receive credit for participating must have and register his/her own blog. There will be no classes or workshops offered to support this program. Instead, participants are encouraged to work together and share their insights, discoveries and solutions through their blogs or in person.

The design of this online program was completely built on Web 2.0 technologies that are freely available on the Internet. These sites include: Blogger, Flickr, Odeo, YouTube, & Bloglines.

Who Can Participate?
Experienced Web 2.0 users as well as novices and everyone in between are invited to join. This is self-paced and self-directed. If you are not a permanent employee (Faculty, Classified Staff or Exempt Professional) of the Auraria Library, we would love for you to follow along. You may participate by registering your blog and posting comments, however, the Library cannot award you any of the employee prizes for completion.

Yes! There are Prizes.
We all know that learning is its own reward, but a few fun prizes to encourage participation and celebrate employee iniative in finishing the program seems like an even better reward. All permanent staff, faculty or exempt professionals of the Auraria Library who complete the program by December 15, 2010 will receive an mp3 memory stick.

How do I start?
Ready to start exploring the web and learning new technology? Click here. Want more information first? Try our FAQ page.