Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to set up my own blog?
If you want to receive credit for participating in the program and receive the mp3/usb player* then you must set up your own blog. This is how the AurThings team will track your progress and verify completion. If you are ineligible for the incentive or don't want to participate via a personal blog, you are welcome to merely participate by commenting on the AurThings blog or other participant blogs. Note: only those who create, maintain and register a personal blog will receive the completion incentive*.

Some things to consider before you decide NOT to create and register your own blog:
1) Using Blogger you can easily delete your blog once you are finished by going to the "Settings" tab, and finding "delete blog" under the Blog Tools section.
2) Once you are finished with this program, you may re-purpose your blog in any way you wish. Share recipes, travel stories, advice, thoughts about books or movies or politics.
3) By sharing your blog and viewing other participant blogs, this program becomes more collaborative.
4) The best way to see how easy and fun something can be is to dive in and try it.

Can I blog anonymously? Yes and no. Since you control all the information that you share on your blog, you can choose to use a display name to keep yourself anonymous if that makes it easier/more comfortable for you. However, if you want to be eligible for the incentives*, you must register your blog with the AurThings team using a valid email. Your blog will be posted on the AurThings blog, but your "real identity" will not be listed.

How do I register my blog?
You can register your blog by clicking here and following the instructions on the "Register your blog" page. It may take a few days for your blog to appear under the "Participant Blogs" section of this blog as it will have to be added manually. You will receive an e-mail confirmation when your blog has been added to the list.

How much do I have to write in my blog post? There is no required length for each post, but here are a few guidelines:

1)Title your post with the week and thing you are going to talk about (e.g. Week 2:Flickr)

2)Write about the experience you had while learning about that thing. Was it easy? Impossible?

3) Do you think this is useful or can be useful in a library environment? Elsewhere? If not, why not?

4) Anything else that comes to mind related to the thing itself or to your experience with the program.

If you have helpful hints for a particular section, please feel free to add them directly to the comments section at the bottom of the AurThings page for each thing. Other participants will appreciate learning from your experience.

Will there be training classes offered to demonstrate this program? No, this is a self-directed learning program. Participants are encouraged to work together and share their discoveries, techniques and "how to" both in person and through their blogs. You are encouraged to be resourceful and find a co-worker or another participant who can help and you and reading the tips page can also be of use.

The AurThings team will do their best to write words of encouragement and comments on your blog when possible. We will also update the FAQ's and tips section as new inquiries arise. If you are really stuck, the team will be available by e-mail to answer your questions.

Remember, the point of this program isn't to master every web tool, but to become familiar with each one and to evaluate the possibilities and ideas surrounding them. This program is about collaboration and exploration, so don't worry about using the web tools in exactly the "right" way.

I noticed some of the things have a section headed "Challenge"? What is this and do I have to do it? The Challenges are there for those participants who are already familiar with that particular Thing and want to learn more and/or for those who are intrigued by what they have learned doing the first parts of the Thing. The Challenges are all optional; you do not have to do those parts to have completed the Thing. If you do one or more the Challenges, be sure to blog about it! If you have an idea for a Challenge item, please let a team member know.

Ready to get started? Click on the "Here are AurThings link" in the right sidebar or here (either link will take you to the same location).

* Completion incentive/mp3 player is only offered to permanent employees of the Auraria Library which includes Faculty, Exempt Professionals and Classified Staff. Student workers and participants outside of the Auraria Library are encouraged to follow the program, but are ineligible for the incentives.

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